Saturday, April 12, 2008


Athletes can be vulnerable to infection .

Probiotic supplements reduce the number and length of infections suffered by long-distance runners, Australian research has found.

Strenuous training can affect the immune system and make athletes vulnerable to coughs and colds.

British Journal of Sports Medicine study found taking probiotics more than halved the days they had symptoms...

Blood tests taken from the athletes found doubled levels of interferon gamma, a chemical involved in the body's immune system, suggesting that the probiotics might somehow be helping the body to protect itself.

The researchers said that the reason behind the study was to find ways to maximise the benefits to athletes getting ready for major events.

"An improvement in resistance to common illnesses constitutes an important benefit to elite athletes undertaking high-level training in preparation for national and international competitions," they wrote.

However, they said that it would be worth investigating the potential of probiotics to help everyone else...

Click Here To Read The Full Article At BBC News...

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