Saturday, April 12, 2008


It is now legal to plant genetically modified (GM) canola in much of Australia, but a large group of concerned scientists, nutritionists and doctors is trying to convince the Federal Government to stop the seeds from ever being sown.

About 700 people have signed a letter to the Prime Minister, reminding him of Labor's election statement that safe and beneficial standards for GM products must be established beyond reasonable doubt.

They want the Federal Government to override decisions in Victoria and New South Wales allowing GM canola to be grown, and start from scratch, with a complete review of GM safety.

The planting season is only weeks away, but Adelaide businessman Peter Fenwick is hoping his letter to the Federal Government can stop it...

The letter says the previous federal government set up a biased regulatory regime for GM products.

Epidemiologist and biochemist Judy Carman says there was no thorough testing of the safety of GM canola before it was approved...

Dr Carman says no one can say for sure if genetically modified DNA is safe if ingested by humans.

"We don't know, because the safety assessments have not been done properly," she said.

"There have not been any human health studies done on GM crops.

"There have been very few, ultimately, animal studies done on GM crops, and this is one of the problems - our food regulator does not require any animal studies to be done on GM crops."

Click Here To Read the Full Article At ABC News and Listen To The Audio...

Click Here To Download The Letter Submitted To The Government...

Click Here If You Would Like To Email Your Endorsement For This Letter...

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